2021 has come and gone. Despite Covid disrupting the world as we know it, things seem to be slowly heading back to normal. Something that has remained constant in this altered world is the use of Google Search.
A recent article at thinkwithgoogle.com examined trends and provided insights into the changing priorities, cultural interests, and habits that are likely to stick with us. By looking back, you can help move your marketing forward.
In 2021, these were 7 main trends that were searched on Google.
- Together Again – Everyone was ready to gather again in 2021. Searches for “fancy restaurants,” “make-up artists,” and “online dating” soared.
- Entertainment, Evolved – Outdoor venues were still popular in 2021, but people had a craving to gather indoors, see live performances, etc. Brands needed to think of new ways to reach audiences.
- Powering Potential – Search trends in 2021 showed that users were making small but substantial changes to better themselves. Searches increased for “vitamins,” “skincare,” and “exercise equipment.”
- Big Moves – With the shift of the workplace being more hybrid, work-life balance is now a necessity. Working from home motivated people to make changes to their homes. Keywords and phrases such as “yard landscaping ideas,” “furniture stores,” and “small bathroom ideas” were among the most searched.
- Life Calculus – Users rearranged their priorities. Since 2021 involved many people heading back to work, we were at home less. Being busier led users to outsource and pay for jobs they otherwise would have done themselves.
- Sustainable Living – Shoppers searched for ways to go green. Sustainability is more top of mind among over 80% of people now than before the pandemic.
- Redefining Normal –Trends that were popular and new in 2020 made such an impact that many have stuck around. For instance, searches in takeout restaurants, makeup apps, and trading apps continued to increase in 2021.
2021 was a year that continued to test many. Users around the world searched “how to heal” more than ever before. Learn more about these search trends and how it could impact your business and marketing efforts in 2022 here.