Manzella Mug Shot

Manzella Mug Shot

People’s coffee mugs can tell a lot about their personalities. Whether the main function is to hold large amounts of coffee or just to look pretty on our desks, mugs can leave subtle hints about our coworkers. Some mugs show that their value to us isn’t always tied to...
Becoming a bringer

Becoming a bringer

Whether you’re trying to eat healthier, spend less on food, or are just sick of getting panicked around noon at work every day when you realize you don’t know what you are doing for lunch, there are many reasons to get into the habit of packing. Eating out for lunch...
Do you make your bed every morning?

Do you make your bed every morning?

Every Monday morning, our agency sits down for a status meeting. Over the summer, one of our interns, Cara Manzella, suggested that we start the meeting with an inspirational or educational video to jump start our week. It started off with some hesitancy, since...